How the challenge will work
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Who can take part?
The Investment Challenge is a competition open to finance and investment passionates from 18 years old, from all over the world. There will be two challenges, one dedicated to externals and one dedicated to Replyers
Can I play as a team?
This is an individual challenge only.
If I register on the platform, am I registered for the competition?
Is there a registration fee?
No, this challenge is free.
When does registration close?
You can register until the day before the beginning of the challenge. Stay tuned to discover the dates.
How do I change my registration details?
To update your details at any time, log in to your profile and click “Edit profile”.
How do I cancel my registration?
Please send your cancellation request to
Is it an online-only challenge?
Can I train for the Reply Investment Challenge?
We strongly recommend you have a look at the learning materials and practice on the trading platform before the challenge starts.
How do I access the trading platform?
When registering for the Reply Crypto Investment Challenge, you’ll get your ID on the platform and get an email with your password. You’ll need both to access the trading platform and you can access it during the training phase as many times as you want.
I played in 2023, do I need new credentials?
Yes, you do: 2023 credentials won’t work for the 2024 edition. You have to register for the Reply Investment Challenge, and get new ones.
*How does the balance work during the registration and training phase?
During the training phase you can trade your €1,000,000 across Stable Coins, Cryptocurrencies, and Digital Assets. Whatever you did, we will restore your balance when the online round officially starts.
Will there be a leaderboard in the training phase?
No, but you can access your wallet to check your performance.
What browsers are supported on the trading platform?
Pc: Windows 7 - IE11, Windows 8 - Firefox 52+, Windows 10 - Chrome 58+ and Edge
Mac: OSX10.11+ - Safari 10.11+ and Chrome 58+
Chromebook: Chrome OS61+ - Chrome 61+
Linux Pc (Ubuntu): Linux - Chromium 55+, Firefox NOT supported
Tablet: iOS11+ - Safari10+, Android 4.1+ - Chrome 55+
Smartphone: iPhone - iOS11 - Safari 10+, Android 5.1+ - Chrome 56+
If you’re not sure what version you have, you can check here.
* How to trade on the trading platform?
You’ll find most of the tutorials you need here, but you can also check on the how-to section of the trading platform.
When does the Cryptocurrency market open and close?
Crypto trading hours are 24/7, 365 days per year - the market never closes.
Are all financial instruments traded in real time?
Which financial instruments will be traded on the trading platform?
During the Training Phase, you can trade the following Digital Assets: Utility Token, Security Token and Payment Token.
What if I need more information about financial instruments and sustainability topics?
You can access all the educational content in the Learning section to prepare yourself for the challenge. The materials have been created by Reply Titanium Team. You can also take part in live webinars with our experts.
When will the challenge start?
The challenge starts when Reply will publish the problem statement on the platform. Stay tuned to discover the dates!
What is a hint?
A hint is an investment suggestion or an educational tip Reply might publish on the Platform, on which players should base their sustainable investment strategy, using the financial instruments available on the Trading Platform
All inputs will trigger a notification so that you’re always up-to-date with what’s happening on the Challenge platform.
Is it mandatory to follow the hints?
No, it is not strictly mandatory to follow every single input, but it is strongly suggested for two reasons: first it allows you to improve your crypto investment strategy. Furthermore, we will ask you to provide a report with more details on your trades and investment strategies related to the hints if you will be among the finalists. The reason you decided to follow or not to follow each hint shall be explained in your final report. (e.g. why in that specific market condition you deemed more opportune to do or not to do something, does not matter if it turned out right or wrong at the end of the competition.)
Am I supposed to invest as requested in a limited time (like 1 hour) or all along this day?
No, you can invest all day long.
Do we need to close our position before the end of the challenge?
It is not necessary to close them unless you want to do so to take a market position. All open positions will be valued at the mark to market when the online round ends.
When is the leaderboard updated?
We update the leaderboard daily by 13:00 CEST, to show how players are performing. We base the rankings on players’ balances and will show daily rankings and global rankings.
Why do I see a different value in the Ranking and on the trading platform?
The trading platform only takes into account profit and losses; our Ranking is based on players’ balances and weighted on our algorithm. We will show you a daily ranking and a global ranking. The Reply ranking counts for winning the Challenge.
What are Daily and Global rankings?
Each day we show rankings based on the previous days individual account balances at 23:59 CEST and weighted on our algorithm. This means that you will see how well you performed on the first day of the challenge and so on.
You will find your personal ranking and the overall players’ ranking divided in:
Daily Ranking: considers the Performance-based on trading activities done during a day, weighted on our algorithm.
Global performance: considers the Performance-based on trading activities, weighted on our algorithm, and done from the beginning of the Challenge.
What happens during the weekend?
Any trading activity placed during the weekend will be shown on leaderboard.
How do you calculate the final scoring?
The goal is to award-profitable investment strategies. You should maximize your profit by executing diversified trades and following the hints that are given during the challenge.
Each day we’ll publish on a ranking based on your profit and the following 3 rules:
1. AVERAGE TRADES – this awards players who put in action the right number of transactions:
Make the right number of transactions and you will receive a Bonus. In case you make too many / few transactions, you will receive a Malus. Mind that the effect of your activity will heavily affect your ranking.
Be careful if you choose to make 5 or fewer transactions a day you will get a -10% on your P/L. Same, if you choose to do more than 40 transactions a day you’ll get -10% on P/L. On the other hand, if you will do an average number of transactions between 5 and 40 you will receive a bonus of 10% on your P/L.
2. DIVERSIFICATION INDEX - this awards players who have a diversified portfolio:
Invest in multiple cryptocurrencies and you will receive a Bonus.
Invest in a few cryptocurrencies and you will receive a Malus.Be careful if your portfolio has a Diversification Index lower than 45% you will get a -10% on your P/L. Same, if your portfolio has a Diversification Index higher than 45% but lower than 62% you’ll get -5% on P/L.
If your portfolio has a Diversification Index higher than 62% but lower than 70% you will receive neither a bonus nor a malus on your P/L.
On the other hand, if your portfolio has a Diversification Index higher than 70% but lower than 75% you’ll get a bonus of 5% on your P/L. Same, if your portfolio has a Diversification Index higher than 75% you’ll get a bonus of 10% on your P/L.
2. HINTS ON CRYPTO CLUSTERS - this awards players who follow the investment suggestions on clusters of cryptos:
Invest in one or more cryptos suggested by the Titanium Team to obtain a fixed bonus of 10% on the profit registered just from those cryptos
Be careful about the timeframe you invest: the bonus, indeed, will be allocated on the profit you will generate opening positions from the beginning of the hint and closing it within the end of it; the positions opened over that timeframe won’t be considered for the application of the bonus. You can also generate a loss: in that case, your bonus will decrease the amount you lose from that transactions.
E.g. the challenge starts on T0, the hint is given on day T2 and it will be on until day T4. You will receive a bonus of 10% on the positions opened and closed from day T2 to T4 just for cryptos A, B, and C. In case you open a position on A for €100, you will receive a bonus just if you close it before the end of T4. If you decide to sell half of what you’ve invested in A, the bonus will be applied to that half and not to the entire amount.
What if we have a question about the problem statement?
You can message the Reply Titanium Team via chat. Please consider the Reply Experts will take charge of your request asap, but it won’t be necessarily in real-time.
Who wins?
At the end of the final round, the Reply Titanium Team will apply the final scoring algorithm and publish the provisional leader board.
The best players will be asked to provide a Report explaining their investment strategies.
What are the prizes?
At the end of the challenge, the leader board will be ‘frozen’ while the Reply Investment Experts review and validate the best investment strategies from the top-three ranked players on the leader board. The first ranked will win a Mac Book Pro, the second will win an iPad Pro, and the third-placed player will win Apple Airpods.
The Reply Titanium Team judgment is final and indisputable when enforcing competition rules and awarding prizes. We’ll send to the winners the details of how to claim their prize.
How will we get updates about the Reply Investment Challenge?
You’ll get some emails before, during, and after the challenge, so check your inbox regularly. If you have a question during the challenge, you can message the Reply Titanium Team via chat.
If you have technical issues on the trading platform please write to the support on the trading platform specifying your ID.
Which language(s) do I need to speak?
All communications will be in English.
Who are the Reply Titanium Team Experts?
Reply Titanium Team is a group of Reply Investment Experts who devised the challenge and the educational contents. They’re also responsible for enforcing all challenge rules. They’ll review the submissions strategy reports from players and award prizes. They may exclude any participants at any time, for not following competition rules.

What do we do if someone’s cheating or behaving badly?
We want to make training sessions and the challenge fair for everyone. So never stop others from taking part – for instance, by overloading the challenge platform, or sending files containing malware, viruses or other code intended to interrupt, destroy or limit the operation of platform, software, hardware or telecoms equipment. This will result in instant disqualification. If you’ve spotted any cheating or unfair behaviour, email
Will Reply Titanium Team reply in real-time?
Please consider we’ll take your request in charge but not necessarily in real-time.