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The third edition of the Investment Challenge has come to an end. This was the first with zero-CO2 impact, brought to you by Reply and sponsor Banca Generali. A team of investment experts from Reply (the Titanium Team), has designed a Challenge to help you learn all about sustainable investment.
For 2 weeks, players had to maximize their profits by investing 1 million $ in companies with a high ESG rating.
The challenge took place online from 28 March until 8 April.
Have a look at the webinars held during the challenge to discover more about this challenge. Discover below the final podium and download the reports with the best strategies of the top investors.
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If youre wondering the reasons of this podium twist (compared to the temporary leaderabord), you can discover more by watching this video, by the Titanium team and Coach explaining the criteria used during the evaluation.
Lets crunch some numbers:
We collected 13750 new registered to the platform from 95 Countries!
And we reached a total of 36000 transactions during the game weeks :)
What a great challenge!
Lets crunch some numbers:
We collected XXXXXX new registered to the platform
from XX Countries! :D What a great challenge!

Challenge stats
Quotes from external editions participants
"Building your own strategy and approaching to the real markets: for a student is a key experience, because for the first time you can learn by practice how the markets works and not just reading it on the books"
Cristian s.
Investment challenge PLAYER
"The learning materials were really useful, especially for me as I had never get into investing before."
Marco a.
Investment Challenge PLAYER
"In my opinion it was not simply the impersonation of an investor with a budget of 1 million dollars (which is quite amazing by itself), but mostly the susinability element that would lead us. And last but not least, the chance of learning more and directly about how the market works."
Investment Challenge PLAYER,