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Bring the Community Together and Stay Active
Pamela Reif is an influencer and entrepreneur with more than 7.6 million followers on Instagram and 880 million views on Youtube, that makes Pamela Reif Germany & Europe’s most successful fitness influencer.
Pam launched the “Pam Fitness & Food App” available for both iOS & Android as well as her own food brand Naturally Pam focusing on healthy snacks.
Why to pick this topic
Who is this challenge for
What's happening now
Innovation Design is about innovative services, creative concepts and new customer experience interfaces. It focuses on addressing people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and devising a viable business strategy to derive value from this market trends.
By choosing this category you'll have the opportunity to transform and design new unique ideas and services focusing on the user needs during the pandamic time and enabling the community aspect of helping each other to stay fit and healthy.
WHO is this category for?
Passionate, students or experts in:
- - UX & UI Designers
- - Service Designers
- - UX Strategist
- - Business Strategist
Whats happening now?
- FINALIST TEAM - the finalist team selected for this category is the RepliKate team, congrats!
The team will pitch an online final battle with their finalists on July 1st - follow us on social media to figure out the agenda.
TOP TEAMS: RepliKate, Petit Beurre, FITCREATORS, The Glaswegians, Team Golmaal, Underdogs, Winterlings.
Surprises are not over, discover the special prizes for the top teams!
MEET The jury
Brief HEX color
Brief Order
Discover the finalists of the 2022 edition
Digital Gamification

Employer Branding

Brand Activation

Fan-Base Activation

Employee Engagement

Digital Customer Experience

Brand Experience

Social Media

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SustAinability in action
This category is reserved to Replyers only.
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